Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death - Tiffany bought at a flea market very tattered book with spells and then began its woes. Ill-fated book fell into the hands of the groom girls, and he disappeared. Help the poor girl to find your favorite! Your only zatsepka- this unfortunate book. She leads you on a strange island, in a mysterious castle in the old library, which stores a lot of rare manuscripts. In order to save a loved Tiffany is ready to comply with any even ... open the gates of hell. Help Tiffany!To do this, you will have 55 stunning locations, 27 mini-games, 17 scenes with HOS. Startup cache: no
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Download game Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death
How to install?
Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death: folder from the archive to unpack in / sdcard / Android / OBB / - should get so /sdcard/Android/obb/com.alawar.sacraterra2.gplay.premium/- decompressed cache size 502 MB
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