FRONTLINE COMMANDO: WW2 - Game series FRONTLINE COMMANDO is far more than a year victorious march on mobile platforms and fans of the series could already feel as invincible soldier counter-terrorist units, heroes of World War II and even wars of the future. And now the company has released the next part of Glu franchise called FRONTLINE COMMANDO: WW2, which is a continuation of the plot FRONTLINE COMMANDO: NORMANDY. At this time, you will find quite a varied geography of the game, from Stalingrad to Berlin. You have to engaging in fierce battles with the occupiers still lead the Allies to victory. Despite the fact that a whole lot of this action game with an appreciable fraction of the shooting range, yet the developers have managed to make the gameplay quite dynamic and exciting, and great graphics, simple controls, a huge arsenal of weapons only adds a pleasant impression of the game.
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FRONTLINE COMMANDO: WW2: folder from the archive to unpack in sdcard / Android / OBB / - so you should get: sdcard / Android / OBB / com.glu.dd2 / - size 76 MB data
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