Rise of Darkness - a classic action RPG which is set in a fantasy world. The world is in chaos and ruin, and the reason for this was an invasion of demons coming from the other world. And the existence of humanity at stake, the only hope for salvation became crystal blood, capable of driving the demons of death. That and you have to take on such a responsible role, having at its disposal an ancient artifact you have the opportunity to control demons and now only you can decide whether they will remain on the dark side or help the forces of good. Passing the storyline you do not just have to choose between good and evil and on how you act will depend on the development of the game. The rest of the Rise of Darkness classic shooter rolevka with dynamic contractions, character development, and of course magic.
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Rise of Darkness: folder from the archive to unpack in sdcard / Android / OBB / - so you should get: sdcard / Android / OBB / com.cmge.gplay.rod / - size 113 MB data
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