1942 Pacific Front - military strategy that unfolds after the game in 1941 Frozen Front. Now, your task in this game is to conduct military operations on the Pacific front. Develop a grand strategy, crush the enemy artillery and infantry, applying for this tanks, combat aircraft, ships and submarines. Choose which side you will fight it could be the US Army or the armed forces of Japan, the choice will be on your side. Send your troops into battle, and do not take positions, because the victory in this game is only on one side. In this game you will have advanced features such as repairs and masking units, hexagonal mesh for a better view, and great graphics that will delight you.
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Download game 1942 Pacific Front
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How to install?
1942 Pacific Front: folder from the archive to unpack in / sdcard / Android / OBB / - should get so /sdcard/Android/obb/com.hg.pacificfrontfree/ - size of the decompressed cache 47 MB
Download Data[46.83 MB]
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