Final Fantasy IV - The fourth part of the series FINAL FANTASY finally arrived on Android! The game first appeared combat system Active Time Battle enable the transfer of capacity to other characters and gives the players the advantage in battle.The game is wildly popular because of the unique characters and dramatic storylines, it promoted transferring of games on many different platforms. Features:
At the beginning of the game map dungeons completely empty, which adds an element of uncertainty to the game! Just soundtracks to the game you can listen to at any moment, that there is another little plus sign to the game.
- Key events unfold with spoken dialogue
- Emotional Image and Graphics
- Elaborate system of cards
- Integrated music player
At the beginning of the game map dungeons completely empty, which adds an element of uncertainty to the game! Just soundtracks to the game you can listen to at any moment, that there is another little plus sign to the game.
- Screenshots
- Video
Download game Final Fantasy IV
[post_ad]Download APKv1.4.0 [5.15 MB]
How to install?
Final Fantasy IV: folder from the archive to unpack in / sdcard / Android / OBB / - should get so /sdcard/Android/obb/com.square_enix.android_googleplay.FFIV_GP/- decompressed cache size 446 MB
Download Data[439.14 MB]
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